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Morgan Animal Hospital

Heart Disease (Sick Sinus Syndrome)

Pico wearing a Holter monitor

Pico was diagnosed with a condition called Sick Sinus Syndrome. In the heart is an area called the sinus node that is responsible for forming the stimulus for the heart to beat. If the sinus node is not stimulating heart contractions properly it is termed as “sick”. Miniature Schnauzers, West Highland White Terriers, Cocker Spaniels and Dachshunds are predisposed to the syndrome. In the Miniature Schnauzer and the West Highland White Terrier, Sick Sinus Syndrome may be a condition that they could inherit.

Sick Sinus Syndrome is a condition that affects the heart rate. The heart rate may be very slow (bradycardia), very fast (tachycardia), or there may be a break/stoppage in the heart rhythm (sinus arrest). The diagnosis is made on history, physical examination, a holter monitor reading (ECG machine worn by the pet for 24 hours while he goes about his normal activities) and an ultrasound. Bloodwork and urinalysis is recommended to be sure that there are no other health problems present.

The monitor revealed that Pico had a heart rate that varied from 28 beats per minute to up to 229 beats per minute. The normal heart rate for a dog is 70-120 beats per minute. There were stoppages in the heart rhythm of up to 6.85 seconds long.

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Treatment involves medication (in Pico’s case Propantheline Bromide and Theophylline) or if necessay the placement of a pacemaker. Fortunately, Pico has been improving on his medications alone. He used to have 10-20 episodes of weakness and collapse an hour, but has improved to 10 or so much milder episodes a day (no collapse – Pico just pauses for a minute and then carries on doing what he is doing). Although quieter, Pico is enjoying his normal activities and hopefully will continue to do so for some time.